Sunday 11 May 2014

Trailer - final draft

The final draft of my trailer, is slightly different to my original idea. In some feedback from peers and lecturers I was told that some of the trailer was a bit quiet, or the lack of a background music track was noticeable. When trying to apply a music track to the trailer, I found that it didn't really fit with the idea I had already. Although I had already picked out the perfect song for it.

With this in mind, I went back and changed a few ideas around, while keeping to the overall theme of the trailer. I decided upon using "Baby Please Don't Go" sung by Cherlene, a character from the show. This fit well with the idea of Archer going missing again, and was a nice track to put to the video.

Having found an introduction piece from a previous Archer episode, where it's shown he's missing, after giving a brief description of his file. I took the footage, and changed the clips being shown.

To achieve this, I had to take the original footage, and take a still from it. Transferring this into Photoshop, I removed the central part of the image where the footage is shown, I replaced this with a green, like those used in typical green screen productions. This left me with an still border to use (shown below).

This allowed me to place it in the trailer, as shown below, so I could have other clips running inside of this border.

As you can see, frame "Archer Frame" Runs along a good portion of the video. This allows me to use several different clips, while maintaining a consistent theme in the trailer. As if viewed from a computer terminal. This frame was placed on top of the clips I wanted to show. This was not all I had to do to achieve this effect however. Using the effects in Premiere, I had to apply the Ultra Key effect, This allows certain selected colours to become transparent. So by making the green transparent, this allowed me to show clips with a frame around them.

This technique is used for simple frames such as this one, and to do far more complicated scenes such as showing a totally different backdrop to those actually available. An example would be having actors in front of a green screen acting out their parts, only to have the green screen replaced, in the final footage, with a volcano or space landscape. Sometimes other colours are used for this effect, as a green screen used when actors are wearing a lot of green can cause certain parts of their clothing to become transparent too. In such scenarios blue screens are sometimes used. Though theoretically any colour could be used for such an effect.

They way this effect works is by scanning through all of the pixels in the image, and selecting those with a colour that matches, or is very close to, the colour to be used as the Key. These pixels are then essentially removed, allowing the image behind to show through. This could be used to make the image totally see through, or even to just make it slightly translucent, by reducing the opacity of the image to allow some of the background image through, creating a ghostly image on top.

Having added the frame for the videos, I went about adding some titles into the trailer. There was a single title for "Staring..." This can be seen in the above picture as "Staring - title", created using the title tools within premier. This was placed in the bottom corner of the screen with enough room for the character names to be beneath it.

Next, I added the individual character names. This can be seen just below the staring title. Each block represents the number of frames, or period of time that the name will remain on the screen. Each of these was linked up to a different attribute mentioned in the audio, and corresponds to the clip shown portraying that attribute.

I selected the clips for the attributes by assessing how well the fit the description given, such as "firearms" or "explosives", and if it involved a character not already shown. This allowed me to easily show each character (except perhaps Ray, who is shown, but is quite small in the clip) and name them, for those unfamiliar with the series.

The rest of the trailer was then filled with action packed clips, taken from various episodes. These were then J-Cut together, in the same style used in the show. J-Cuts are actually the only transition I decided to use. Mostly due to the fact it's the only transition used in the show, and I wanted to try to stay true to that.

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