Monday 12 May 2014

DVD Label - Early stages

In creating the DVD label, I had a lot of ideas of how to go about the different sections. As with my other ideas, I have had to change a few thing as I go, as they have not looked as good as I thought they might, or they have been a little outside of my talent range.

One such issue was the coloured squares. I simply couldn't get them to a point I was happy with them. I tried a variety of colours and sizes, but nothing looked quite right. In the end I decided to opt for a much simpler approach, just using the silhouettes for a high contrast approach to make the disc stand out.

The other images I wanted to add to the disc were my logo and the certificate 18 symbol. The symbol I found online, adding it to the disc was easy as I found a copy with a black background. Only having to copy this into place and resize it. I considered turning it into a vector itself, but the complex pattern in the red section didn't come out well, so I opted to use the standard version.

The logo was actually done in much the same way, finding that the stroke size of the image made it difficult to resize easily, so I opted to use a standard pixel version of the image, to keep the proportions the same. I didn't want the logo to appear different to the one used on the Amaray case.

I arranged the images in the correct place for the first draft and left it there. Mostly complete and a good example of what I wanted the final draft to look like.

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