Sunday 11 May 2014

Evaluating the Inlay

For this section of the assignment, I have created an inlay to go inside of a Amaray DVD case. This is to go with my idea for an Archer movie. For the case I took inspiration from the open credits for Archer, a black background with bold colours over the top. This allowed my design to start to take shape. I found a few images online that worked well. Including some nice silhouettes, although to get others, I had to take an image and change the colouring to be black and white to create the silhouette.

My final design was not what I had originally intended, or quite how I envisioned it, although I am not completely dissatisfied with my final design. Certain parts of it could have been improved with more time, or a little more foresight into the design I was creating. The part of the case I am least happy with is the bottom text on the back of the case. I couldn't find a good example of an Archer DVD, so had to look at a range of other DVDs around the house. Some of these were covered in details of who produced them, etc, while others had very little information on this, and focused more on the DVD content itself. I opted to go for the second option, as it was easier for me to produce.

If I was to undertake this assignment again, I would try to plan a lot further in advance, and try to stick more to plans I had made. I struggled initially to come up with an idea for this assignment, for me the scope was a little too broad for me to easily make a decision. If I repeated it, I would try to use a lot more preliminary sketches and try to brainstorm a few more layout ideas, rather than just ideas for content. I would have opted to put a little more time into Photoshop, to try to learn a few more techniques to maybe make a colourful action packed front design, although I am happy the one I have created matches in with the series well enough.

Next time, I would spend more time on my initial design and learning new techniques for Photoshop broaden my knowledge, and skills in the program. These could have been used to improve my design, although this is not an area in which I have much interest or talent. I would use a for more placeholder images in future, to allow me to finish the DVD label and trailer before completing the Inlay, matching up some clips and images on the back, allowing me to tie in the three parts more completely.

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