Monday 12 May 2014

DVD label - Final draft

To finalise my draft for the DVD label, I went back to my previous draft, and had a final attempt at adding the squares of colour to it. I tried to add a layer of text around the edge of it, copyright notices etc, but found an issue with one of the images obscuring the text beneath it, and sending the image to the back etc wouldn't solve the issue.

I went back into Photoshop and used that to edit the image to have a smaller black border around it. This allowed me to go further with the text and continue it around the whole object. This made the job of finalizing my draft easy.

I also toyed with the idea of turning the entire DVD Label into a colour block, allowing me to apply a gradient and noise to it, to tie it in with the idea used in the intro sequence in the series and the blocks used in the Amaray case inlay. This proved to be a little harder than expected so I abandoned the idea.

While I feel the final design is rather simple, I like that it works and ties in well with the front of the Amaray case.

Sadly there isn't much more to say on the final draft. I made sure all the images were inside of the bleed edges set up in the template, made sure the text was just inside of this, putting it on the outer most rim of the DVD should the bleed edges be necessary. The center of the DVD case was left Black, I could have also removed the middle section, allowing for the case to just have the translucent plastic and the hole in the center, but I decided I liked the look the whole solid black better.

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