Tuesday 29 April 2014

Logo WIP

After looking back at my logo, I decided that it did need to have the stroke increased to be a little higher in places, as this would make it stand out some more. I also added some circles to the points of the hourglass, and a explosion/fire using the star shape at the bottom.

This looks a lot clearer, especially when small and will fit nicely onto my inlay and label. I toyed with the idea of adding the star effect to the top of the hourglass too, but decided against it.

This is going to be my final design. I mostly used the ellipse and rounded rectangle tools, with the star tool to create a simple yet effective logo. As mentioned in a previous post, this image could be made almost any size, The circular points in the corner would not become pixelated or out of shape, while the curves of the ellipses would likewise, stay as smooth as they are now.

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