Tuesday 29 April 2014

Trailer - Early Stages

While working on my trailer and doing some research of different clips where Archer is missing or away, I found a few clips that will make the trailer work well incorporating elements of the actual story. This has meant I have changed a few of my initial ideas, linking the first idea of it being an introduction to the story, and mixing this in with comedic elements to make a good trailer. I will be using scenes from different series of Archer for this, and have considered changing one of the bigger clips I am planning to use. I have searched on creative commons for different clips that could be useful, although have struggled to find anything that would actually fit the theme of the trailer. This is largely because of it being an animated production that won't use real life footage. I have found one or two small clips from YouTube videos that I will most likely make use of in the trailer.

One of the issues I have faced at this early stage is that the resolution of the videos I have been using are rather low, leaving a black border around the edge of the clips. I may actually incorporate this by adding titles etc around the edge, utilising this space as somewhere to display any actor names/credits that need to be included. Although these are usually omitted from most other Archer trailers/clips. My other option will be to find higher resolution versions to use.

Update - I actually have found that I can stretch the clips to fit the screen size I am using. This has saved me a lot of hassle having to find footage in the right aspect ratio and resolution. This is done within Premiere by selecting the piece of footage, right clicking on it and using the "Scale to Frame Size" option.

I have also found an issue with some of the clips I've found, as most of these were found online, there is occasionally an issue with TV channel logos being present. Unfortunately, even purchasing the video on YouTube won't solve this problem, as it removes the ability to download the file for use. This may just have to be something that I accept, as it obviously wouldn't be an issue if this was actually being produced for the studio.

Update - I have minimised the effect this will have on the trailer by using a border around the edge and reducing the time clips with a large logo are present.

Deciding upon transitions to use and any effects I want in the trailer is the next step. I will be using these at the start and end of the trailer, but in trying to keep as true to the style of Archer, there will be very few if any used between clips, as the standard is to go from clip to clip with no visual change, but with the sound and/or conversations linking the clips together.

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