Thursday 3 April 2014


Today we had feedback on our assignments so far. We worked with other members of the class to assess the work we had done, and make suggestions for improvements, also noting what we had missed out from the mark scheme thus far.

I have planned to include most of the elements that I need to, although I need to be sure I have included effects and levels in there. Transparency I had already decided upon, and I will likely manage to incorporate fairly eaily. For the effects, I am thinking that the main front image may actually benefit from these, to try to make the image fit together better, possibly making it look more like a single image, than a set of images placed together.

My main goal currently is to address the parts of the assignment I have already decided upon, then working on the rest of the parts I've missed.

I also need to allow myself time to assess the moral and legal implications in a later blog post, covering the use of copyrighted material and the like. 

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