Tuesday 29 April 2014

Starting the Trailer - Planning

For my project, having chosen to do an Archer film, I'm going to have to use already existing footage, as drawing new scenes would be beyond my ability.

First off, picking how the trailer will play out is the most difficult. I have a few different ideas;

- Trying to use existing footage/sound to construct a story

- Using effects to make it appear like some sort of briefing (brief shot of each character, with names etc)

- Going down the comedy route to just make a funny trailer that shows off entertaining lines/scenes from each character, using intro text like "If you've enjoyed these moments..."

While I think that the first could be rather effective, I will most likely aim for the second option. So I will have to pick out clips for each of the main characters. This will give me a rough idea on how much time I have to fill with other images and clips. The characters I need to include are;

Stirling Archer
Lana Kane

If need be, I could get some footage of recurring adversaries, although if each character has 6 seconds, that would be 54 seconds of footage. So I may need to double up some of them.

I have considered looking into other adverts, for a dramatic voice track to use. Possibly making my own. Or, if I go for the briefing idea, I could avoid it altogether by using text.

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