Sunday 9 March 2014

Week 3 / 4

This week I have fallen behind in my updates, although I have come a long way in organising my ideas and have a much clearer view of the finished product in my head. I started off collating all my ideas into a Mind Map. I used the website to help with this, as it made the entire process easier. The mind map ended up as a mix of ideas, and tutorials and sample images I can incorporate into my final design. At this stage, the mind map looks as follows.

This, as you can see, has a lot of links included towards the right hand side, this is where I was mostly aiming for ideas based around the background, text styles, themes and specific ideas.

The main idea is to have a rather symmetrical border, of very similar if not identical images on each side. Then to have a central scene that will have the main image that will be linked to the plot of the film. I will likely try to stick to the general theme of the Archer introduction, a black background with coloured squares with images in, and silhouettes being used of the main characters.

The back of the DVD case will likely continue the theme from the front of the box, with a few images, the copywrite information, barcode and logo. This will be added in an later post.

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