Tuesday 18 February 2014

Week 2

This week I have created myself a template to use (as pictured below). I had to look around in a fair few places to find the exact specifications of a standard DVD case, and these also seemed to vary depending on the website. After checking several sites, it seems the width of the spine varies between 12mm and 14mm. So I have chosen to go with a 12mm spine, as it tends to look best on DVD cases I have looked at.

This shows where the edges of the images will be, including a bleed area to avoid white space or unwanted cropping of the image itself. The entire image will be on one document, rather than splitting the front, back and sides up. This allows me to have a single image spanning all three sides, This has been done to great effect in other products, so I may try to incorporate this idea into my own design.

This is an example of an image crossing all 3 sides of the box. It has pros and cons in it's design, Mostly that the spine does not look particuarly good, especially when viewed with other DVDs etc on either side. This may mean i opt for a more standard layout of the spine, as pictured below.

This would allow you to easily pick out the DVD case when searching, although, this case does kind of blend the spine into the front and rear cover, which is an effect I like and may try to emulate. As I intend to go for a bright and colourful design, A contrasting black spine and silhouette may be useful to break it up slightly.

Monday 10 February 2014

Week 1

This blog will cover my thoughts and processes through completion of my Digital Imaging Software module at UCP. In this we have to design and produce a DVD case, a DVD, and a short video clip for a film or game that does not yet exist. 

So, week 1, ideas are starting to form, I've had a few possible ideas. Some of these ideas are far far more plausible than others. I've had ideas based on games, shows, or just made up rubbish. I think so far I have settled on making a video game based on a favorite TV show of mine. As the show is animated, there is an easy to follow clear style to the show, easily replicated in a video game. That and the amount of shows produced so far, should make it easy to manipulate it into a game or perhaps a movie if the game angle proves too much of a challenge.

The ideas I have so far are simple, things like using a shot looking down the barrel of a gun for the DVD, having the hole as the middle. I think the case will be quite vibrant with a lot of contrasting colors to draw the eye. The Case, so far, I'm unsure on,  but I have time to work on this later. My Video will likely be rather over the top and action packed, as is fitting to the show. I'm trying to keep to the themes they use in the show.